Professor R. P. Mohanty has been nominated by the National Council of Indian Institution of Industrial Engineering (IIIE), (NHQ Mumbai) as the National President for a period of 2 years (2019-2021).
About Prof. Dr. R. P. Mohanty:
Prof. R. P. Mohanty is B. Tech inMechanical Engineering, M. Tech in Industrial Engineering & OperationsResearch, MBA in General Management, Ph. D in Mechanical Engineering &Honorary D. Sc.. He has 52 years of academic and industry experiences in Indiaand abroad. He has received the prestigious awards such as; Prof. P. C.Mahalanobis distinguished educator award from Operational Research Society ofIndia and Life Time Achievement Awards from Indian Institution of IndustrialEngineering and Institution of Engineers (India) and Dr. A.P. J. Abdul Kalamaward as the distinguished educator of India and Outstanding Academician ofIndia from Indian Institution of Materials Management and also many other awards.He is a Fellow of IETI and IndianInstitution of Industrial Engineering, Indian National Academy of Engineering and some other professional bodies .
He has published 17 Books, more than 350research papers in reputed and scholarly peer reviewed indexed International& Indian Journals and Newspapers. He has guided 24 Ph.D. research scholarsand several hundreds of master theses. He has advised more than 25 bigcompanies in India and abroad in the areas of Engineering and Management. Hehas completed a number of Government and Industry sponsored research projects. Hehas also served as Chairman and President of many Professional associations inIndia and also as a board member in International ProfessionalInstitutions. He represents in the Editorial Board of 17 internationaljournals. He is the Governing Board Member of several Universities andProfessional bodies.
He is the recipient of the following awards
Life Time Achievement Awards from MTCGlobal, IIIE, IEI and AIMS.
Utkalshree Award, Excellence in Researchand Innovations Award, Exemplary Leadership Award to Industrial EngineeringProfession, Distinguished Alumni Award, Bharat Ratna Sir Visveswaraya Award, IntellectualColossus Award, Distinguished Leadership Award in Academics, OutstandingAcademician (UNI TOP) Award, Lillian Gilbreth Award, Ramaswamy Cup, BestResearch Paper Awards.
He is very famously known in India as adistinguished academic leader. His innumerable value adding contributions inthe field of technical education in terms of research publications, academicplanning, administration, faculty development, management development,institutional development and direction of several top ranking internationaland national conferences, workshops, symposia, colloquium etc. are well knownto the world of academia and industry professionals. He is knowninternationally as an empirical researcher, a system scientist, an organizationtheorist, and an organization development expert.