1995-2000: Engineeringstudies, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering CTU in Prague,
2000-2006: PhD studies, Faculty ofMechanical Engineering CTU in Prague, Hot 3, Prague 2
From 1 / 2011: AppointedAssociate Professor in Management: Business and Economics Faculty of LifeSciences in Prague.
Course Experience:
2002-2005: Assistant Professor at the Department ofManagement and Economics, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering CTU in Prague.Participation in education: production management, decision analysis, projectmanagement.
2005-2010: Assistant Professor of Management Department ofBusiness and Economics Faculty of Life Sciences in Prague.
Participation in education: organizationalbehavior, management theory, cybernetics in management.
From 1 / 2011: AppointedAssociate Professor in Management: Business and Economics Faculty of LifeSciences in Prague.
Training and publications
Publishing activity in the deterministic modeling oforganizational systems, modeling in the analysis, management decision making,quality management, management innovation and system reliability. A total of 69scientific papers published (as author and co-author), 14 articles inscientific or professional journal, 7 college textbooks, a book monograph, 46scientific papers in conference proceedings, etc.
Participation inscientific projects
2003-2004member of research team: GP402/03/1386 GA - Controlling and ManagerialAccounting as a tool for integration in enterprise management.
2003-2004 member of research team: Socrates-GrundtvigProject 89775-CP-1-2001-UK-Grundtvig-G1Distance Education on Lifelong Learning.
2005-2007 Member of ResearchTeam: Project QF3261 - Diagnosis, screening and restoration businessenterprises in the Structure of Agriculture.
2006-2008 member of the research team (treatment 2modules): EVYNA CZ.04.1.03/ project.
2007-2011: member ofresearch team (lead single module) MSM6046070904 Research Program - Informationand knowledge support of strategic management.
2009-2011: Investigator: Project GP402/09/P619 GA -Designing a knowledge-based systems.
2012-2014: Investigator: Project GP403/12/1950 – Design of Experiments for ProductDevelopment and Multi-Factor Optimization
Membership in professional societies
– Academy of Management
– International Academy of Businessand Economics
– International Institute of Informaticsand Systemics
– International Academy of Businessand Public Disciplines