MirelaPanait currently holds the position of PhD Professor at Facultyof Economic Sciences, Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti (Romania). Startingwith 2021, Mirela Panait is also a scientific researcher at the Institute ofNational Economy and PhD advisor at the doctoral school of the RomanianAcademy. Her work experience derives from and includes: teaching courses andseminaries; research activities; participating in scientific conferences.Regarding research results, these are represented by publishing seven books andover 100 scientific papers in the field of interest: foreign investment,capital market, corporate social responsibility and sustainable development.She has published articles in leading international journals, including LandUse Policy, Energies, Sustainability and PlosOne. On the editorial level, theactivity of Mrs. Mirela Panait is intense, being associate editor, guest editoror reviewer at prestigious journals within Emerald, Wiley, MDPI and IGI Global groups. (e-mail: mirela.matei@upg-ploiesti.ro)